Kids and Chiropractic Care

So…you just found out your best friend is taking her baby to see a Chiropractor. And you’re thinking to yourself – Why? What could a Chiropractor possibly do for a child, let alone a baby? .

Don’t worry – you’re not alone. People ask me everyday why parents bring their kids to see a Chiropractor. The answer is simple – children have a spine and a nervous system just like adults and we want to make sure they are taking good care of them especially during the developmental years.

I get it.

You’re nervous. 

You have a million questions running through your mind. Is it safe? Is it effective? What can it treat? Will it hurt?

Put it this way – I’ve been treating my own children since birth and I’d like to think they’ve turned out pretty darn good.

Here’s why:

Your childs’ nervous system is composed of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. It’s essentially a big fuse box. It controls and coordinates all types of bodily functions including breathing, digestion and immune responses.  If there is a “blown fuse” it can cause trauma which can result in a misalignment in the spine (subluxation). Children could react and end up with conditions such as constipation, colic, bed-wetting, ear infections, torticollis, fussiness, trouble sleeping, reflux and the list goes on…. 

Breech positioning in mamas womb. Birth trauma as baby comes out of the birth canal (can you just imagine the twisting and turning of little babes’ spine as he ventures out into the world). Birth intervention, like the use of forceps or vacuum suction – these are just a few factors that can cause “trauma” in babys’ spine and nervous system.

But it doesn’t end here.

Trauma continues into childhood with slips and falls, sports injuries, as well as the simple task of carrying a backpack. This cumulative trauma through our childs’ life causes a “blown fuse” and forces the spine to shift out of alignment.  

This is where Chiropractic care for children comes into play. 

Parents – please trust me when I say that Chiropractic care is absolutely a safe and effective treatment option for children of ALL ages. Just think about it, Chiropractors have been treating children for more than 100 years!

In my practice, my focus is NOT on treating disease or disorders.  Quite the opposite, my focus is on allowing the nervous system to function without interference or to remove the “blown fuse” known as a spinal subluxation.

When your child comes into my office, I treat them as if they were my own. The techniques I use are soft and gentle and kids absolutely LOVE coming to see me to get their “clicks.” 

Bottom line: When a child has been through trauma and the spine becomes misaligned and subluxated (blown fuse) it needs to be corrected with safe and effective chiropractic adjustments.  

If you would like to get your child assessed for subluxations click here to book an appointment.

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