5 reasons you NEED to see a chiro during pregnancy

Congratulations Mama!

This is such an exciting time in your life. There’s no better feeling than prepping and planning for your little ones arrival. 

We know you’re probably focusing on all the fun stuff, like what colour to paint the nursery and the perfect coming home outfit. I’ve been there (2x)!!! But have you taken a minute to focus on you and all the changes going on in your body right now?

Well it’s happening and at lightning speed! I’m not talking just physical changes, I’m also talking about the hormonal and emotional ups and downs you’re likely experiencing too. 

Give yourself a minute mama, and take the time to appreciate and take care of the changes your body is going through while it prepares for baby. 

As a chiropractor, health advocate and mamas of two, I can tell you from experience and with confidence that one of the best things you can do for yourself while pregnant is to see a Chiropractor.

Let’s get techy for a second and take a quick and dirty lesson in Physiology 101 and see what Chiropractic care is really all about. 

Our nervous system is composed of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.  It is essentially like an information highway. It coordinates all types of bodily functions including breathing, digestion and immune responses. If the communication to the nervous system is interrupted or damaged by misalignments in the spine (subluxations), we experience all sorts of information errors including pain, headaches, high blood pressure, digestive problems, sleep disturbances…the list goes on. 

Chiropractic care specifically focuses on these spinal misalignments and associated muscle pain. 

Do some of those symptoms sound familiar, Mamas? If so, you could likely benefit from some Chiropractic love and if you still aren’t convinced, read on to see our top five reasons why you should see a Chiropractor while pregnant.

1. It helps to alleviate back and pelvic discomfort and pain. 

These areas can become particularly tender during pregnancy because your body is undergoing so many changes. By consulting a Chiropractor, we can help align and adjust areas of discomfort. ​

2. It Maintains spinal mobility

Spinal misalignment (subluxation) is common during pregnancy because of the shift in weight towards the front of the body. This shift puts added pressure on your spine causing joint restrictions that can become painful. Spinal adjustments are a safe and effective way to help maintain mobility and prevent pain.

3. Shorter labour and delivery times after pelvis and spine are in correct alignment.

A technique called Webster Technique is commonly used on pregnant woman to allow the baby to be more properly positioned for delivery. Adjusting pregnant women appears to relax the pelvic floor allowing for better control of these muscles, which can increase the likelihood of having an intervention-free, natural childbirth. Regular chiropractic care during pregnancy has also been shown to reduce the need for pain medication by 50%.

4. Exercise Prescription.

Chiropractors are great at providing exercise advice during pregnancy, which can lead to less weight gain, shorter labours, fewer medical interventions, less fetal distress and faster recovery.

5. Post-Partum Care.

The body experiences another shift after the baby is born, Chiropractic care can help restore the body’s normal biomechanics and get mum ready to resume all of her pre-pregnancy activities. Postural strain can also become an issue with breastfeeding. Postural exercises and advice from Chiropractors can also be very helpful during this time.

If you’re interested in booking an appointment with me you can click here

Always here for your healing, 

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